Inside Proformance (716)-812-1664

Inside Proformance                       (716)-812-1664

At Proformance, our methodology starts with an initial assessment. The best way we can share our toolbelt with an athlete is to figure out what each athlete needs. We look beyond an athlete's body fat composition, nutritional needs, and sport they play to figure out exactly how we can make an impact. In order to help an athlete, we need to diagnose how they move by analyzing the angles, range of motion, and posture in which they move.  In order to do this we take each athlete through a functional screen.  The exercises of the screen tell us where there is a mechanical breakdown, allowing us to see how the joints that make up the body are out of alignment.  Most athletes come to us because they want to become faster, stronger, more agile, and jump higher, and for us to do that, we need to magnify the signals from an athletes brain that work with each part of the body to perform a certain task. The assessment results dictate the best way to develop each athlete through specific exercises and skill development needed to fix and improve the athlete as a whole.

Proformance is for anybody that is passionate about getting better. There is a misconception that we are only here for professional or Division I athletes,but that is false. Our passion is to help athletes at all levels dominate at any level they desire, and to provide athletes that choose Proformance the opportunity compete at high level.

We give every athlete that walks in our doors a sense of urgency to get better while remaining realistic about what their potential is. Every athlete has dreams, every athlete wants to play at the professional level but first they need to be able to dominate whatever league or team they currently play for whether that be grade school, high school, or college. 



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